ENVISION designed the comprehensive reconstruction of Columbia High School. Our design complements the existing architecture - creating an iconic entrance while maintaining the aesthetic of a contiguous campus.
Our project provided five major additions to the 1970s building including an academic wing, two library additions, expansion and modernization of the auditorium and an expansion of the athletics facilities. The interior reconstructions affected ninety percent of the original building. Undersized classrooms were replaced, laboratories upgraded to provide state-of-the-art facilities, interior circulation improved and new entrance and public spaces were provided to enhance all aspects of a student’s experience. The kitchen and cafeteria spaces were both completely renovated to provide a food court type of service. We also designed a glazed space-frame addition to the cafeteria in the existing courtyard, which was presented to the district but has not yet been pursued. The building infrastructure, including mechanical and electrical systems, was also upgraded.
Continuous occupancy during the year required the work to be built in phases with careful environmental and security safeguards to separate students and faculty from construction activity.